
Showing posts with the label India

Passion Flower: Benefits, Usages, Consumption and Side-effects.

Passion Flower: Benefits, Usages, Consumption and Side-effects. The passion flower, also known by its scientific name "Passiflora," is a beautiful and unique flowering plant that belongs to the Passifloraceae family. There are over 500 known species of passion flowers, most of which are native to the Americas, especially South America. Moreover, passion fruit, the fruit produced by some species of passion flowers, is a popular tropical fruit that is both delicious and nutritious. It is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fibre. Overall, the passion flower is a fascinating and multifaceted plant with a combination of aesthetic, medicinal, and cultural significance. Passionflower can be consumed in many ways, including tea, tincture or capsules. The side effects of passionflower are not well known yet. However, it has been noted that it can cause drowsiness and fatigue when taken in excess or too often. What are the benefits of Passion Flowers? It's importan...

Mental Health: A Priority in India

Mental Health of the Youth in India India is a secular, sovereign, democratic and republic country with 1405.2 Million populations speaking about 121 languages over 28 states and 8 union territories. But what they don't speak about is Mental Health and their Concern about it.  India is a developing country where people are yet to get developed to talk about mental health. No offence to the fellow citizens as countries like US or Russia however being developed are yet to talk about mental health. But what is the shocking fact is India is consistently racking at the top of the list with suicidal cases of youth, among all the south-east Asian countries. Which is indeed trouble for all the people and especially the youth.  The youth of the nation should be given much more freedom to live, laugh and talk with everyone and express themselves. Whereas the present condition of the typical middle-class family becomes a burden to speak and breathe. The higher the burden the greater ...