Mental Health: A Priority in India

Mental Health of the Youth in India

India is a secular, sovereign, democratic and republic country with 1405.2 Million populations speaking about 121 languages over 28 states and 8 union territories. But what they don't speak about is Mental Health and their Concern about it. 

India is a developing country where people are yet to get developed to talk about mental health. No offence to the fellow citizens as countries like US or Russia however being developed are yet to talk about mental health. But what is the shocking fact is India is consistently racking at the top of the list with suicidal cases of youth, among all the south-east Asian countries. Which is indeed trouble for all the people and especially the youth. 

The youth of the nation should be given much more freedom to live, laugh and talk with everyone and express themselves. Whereas the present condition of the typical middle-class family becomes a burden to speak and breathe. The higher the burden the greater the troubles of mental pressure and depression.

Families worldwide are more or less similar where parents unknowingly put loads of pressure on their children. Sometimes they understand and most of the time they don't, rather fail to understand. At times explanation of the situation and development of the communication between two people is more necessary. And failure to result in unwanted situations like suicide or separation between two individuals. In any type of relationship, a mutual understanding is important and vital for healthy and good sustainability. However, the present culture of living may affect the thinking process and adsorption in any individual. For example, parents care for children which is natural but overdoing the thing rotten the situation. This is why children often think that their parents are extremely conservative or excessive harsh to them, whereas the truth is something else. This situation is developed with the overdoing or over-exaggeration of every topic between two people and the way they portray themselves. Here on I'll quote a line from Sant Kabir's dohas, 

              "Aati ka bhala na bolna, aati ki bhali an chup,
               Aati ka bhala na barasna, aati ki bhali na dhooop."

Means: Neither excessive rating is good for crops nor excessive dryness, like ways neither excessive talking is good nor excessive silence.

At times, people should understand the fact where to speak and where to be silent, and similarly show love when needed and stop when not. If we urge to walk together to change ourselves and live happily together then we need to do only one thing, that is TALK!! Talk to yourself, talk to your family, and if you have problems with your family like me, then consider talking to your friends, or mentors. Consider taking specialized advice. Understand the situation, that not you are wrong all the way, but you can definitely deal with it. Accept yourself with your flaws and understand that no one in the world is perfect neither you nor your opponents. You can't change them, but you can change your perspective of the situation, and learn to accept and ignore the situations of a heated argument or a troubling talk. Try to start breathing, breathe with your life, breathe with your dreams, set your goals and breathe, work for your goals, and keep yourselves healthy. Healthy I mean, both mentally and physically. Take exercises into your life as the priority of your physical wellbeing. Whereas learning new skills, reading, involving with different non-profitable organizations, being involved with more like-minded people, interacting with more people and taking medical help and support will develop your mental well-being. Avoid talking to the people whom you find annoying at the initial stages of your recovery process. Even if it involves your family, then avoid any heated-up arguments or verbal actions with them. This will help you to stay calm and composed whenever necessary and further move on with peace. 

Honestly, life is small, but that doesn't mean to trouble others, or getting yourself troubled by others. That is being at mental peace is much more important. Be cooperative, try to extend your helping arms and you will find many people in need. Being a family member try to understand than simply imposing your wishes, and desires, upon someone else. Try to empathize with others, and you will find everyone is going through the same troubles and problems. Sympathy is a kind attitude, but being empathetic is the kind feeling that one has to go through to understand the other.

I know my words won't reach everyone out there, but they will reach at least one people who are reading this. And it will definitely help them focus on their actions the next time they perform them. 


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